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We Talkin' Grief!

Grief is a natural response to the loss and absence of something that matters. We will all be in that experience at some point in our lives, but we don't know that we're grieving because we don't talk much about it. We know that we are experiencing something that we never asked for. It's so unfamiliar and personal, leaving us confused, bitter, disappointed, angry, and so much more. And yet, this experience also offers an opportunity for growth, hope, healing, and happiness beyond measure.

But first…we must talk about it.

My Story

My WhyValerie Frazier
00:00 / 04:40
My grief journey activated an unfolding that I would not have experienced otherwise. And because of that, I now honor and appreciate my experiences in this life. Because of that, I experience a new consciousness around life, love, living, and dying. I have grown in ways and spaces that would not have happened otherwise. For one, I didn’t know I could love someone so hard. And now I can love again. I can breathe again. And through it all, I know that my life matters, too. I get to live my life with this new awareness. I know now that I am whole and complete. I have found my purpose. For this, I am grateful.

I am Coach.

My name is Valerie. I am here to help.

Every Journey Needs a Guide

Sometimes, we get anchored in the emotions of grief; we can't see our way forward. You don't have to go on this journey alone. I have charted a pathway that will lead you to live again.

You deserve to be happy!

Coaching is not professional counseling, therapy, or a mental health service. I do not imply, infer, or attempt to fix, heal, or cure grief. Some conditions may require a consultation and referral from/to a licensed physician or mental health professional. If you are experiencing serious suicidal thoughts that you cannot control, please call 911 or 988 for the National Suicide Prevention Hotline.
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