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I have experienced how devastating and debilitating loss can be. I’ve experienced the kaleidoscope of crazy and dysfunction when my son died. For me, a mother, there is no greater trespass than for someone to take your child from you.
But there was nothing I could do to save him. 

I came to know that there is some shit that just happens. It’s in the unfolding of life. Some shit happens to you, in spite of you and then some shit…when you look at it through just the right looking glass… happens for you.

I know…. that’s a tough one, but this is where our 
$960 - 6-week coaching package excels.

You get:

One on one individualized sessions

Email or phone support between sessions.

Prepay discount of 10%.

Discounts on future group coaching sessions.

Access to digital coaching resources (e.g. worksheets, exercises or handouts).

Accountability check-ins to keep you on course.

Membership in an online community.

6-weekly personal sessions.

Weekly inspirational posts.

3- and 6-month follow-up calls just to check-in.

To talk about your innermost experiences in a safe and trusting space.
Often for the first time EVER!

Gain a sense of freedom of expression that you’ve never had.

Peel away layers of thoughts and behavior that simply don’t serve you anymore.

Take back control of your life in ways that get your confidence back.

Feel supported, heard, without judgement.

And when you’re done…you will be a better version of You. You will love the way you feel. We promise.                                                                                                           (The cost of consultation is deducted from the payment of scheduled sessions)

A Living Story about Human Relationships

The Book

I wrote this book at a time when no one was talking grief. It was a time when cursing and authenticity wasn’t “vogue.” The Christian publications wouldn’t publish it because I was too “raw.” Translation, I was too authentic, too emotional. How dare I talk about trying to get drunk to deaden my sensibilities! How dare I say shit like “this shit is killing me.” How dare I show my humanity, be human, be publicly in my pain. How double dare I get angry with God! I mean what did I know at the time…no one had ever murdered my son before. So, I cursed a little bit, well maybe a lot, but I needed to vent!

Like me, this book is not for the weak at heart. I take you through each of Kubler-Ross’s 5 stages of grief. You get to experience all of my raggedy shit…blow-by-blow. It’s not all doom and gloom. I write about some of the stupid shit people say, when consoling you like…he {Jason} is in a better place. Oh! Better than being with his mom. That’s funny. 

You can’t intellectualize grief. No, you need to “feel” this shit. 


It's 100 pages. Read them slowly. And when you’re done, you will come out on the other side…with a New Consciousness. I promise.

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Speaking Engagements: The many faces of grief.

Yep! Grief comes in many flavors and they all suck!

But once you can name that beast…you can slay that beast. Choose this seminar and you can choose from three (3) sets of topics…but… you have to begin at the beginning.

No cheating! They are only 2 hours long…geez!  And at only $320, these sessions include interactive- live - engaging open discussion.

They're not all talk!

Engagement # 1

An Introduction to Grief Talk

Definition of Grief and The Loss of a Loved One

Identifying the Emotions of Grief

Common Myths & Misconceptions

Supporting Someone That is Grieving

Engagement # 2

We Talkin’ Grief

Defining Grief and its Many Faces

A deeper dive into the Emotions of Grief

The Importance of Processing Emotions

Coping Strategies: Self-Care, Support Systems

Engagement # 3

Grief By Any Other Name

Identifying Other Types of Grief (e.g., Anticipatory, Collective, Masked, Delayed, and Disenfranchised)

Identifying Ways to Heal

The Role of Self Compassion

Open Discussion in summary of all 3 Engagements Sessions

The value of the audience takeaway is priceless!

The titles speak for themselves. This is you being the hero for a group of people that you know can and deserve to turn their lives around for the better. This is us sharing knowledge that can turn this world upside down for the better. This is us empowering a group of people to discover their own resilience. Empowering them to take back the lives they've been given no matter how difficult it may seem, because they are entitled to live their best lives.

Say yes! Let’s do it!

Coaching: Anticipatory Grief

Alzheimer and Dementia

My Aunt Bernice was like a mother to me. She taught me how to be a woman, to like the finer things in life. She taught me what unconditional love is. She has been the only person in my entire life that loved me unconditionally to this day.

She began going through dementia about 5-years before she left this life. She began to forget what she’d said just moments before. Then, over time, she’d forget my name. Then she began to talk to people that I didn’t see in the room. She began to accuse me of things that I didn’t do. Many days I cried privately - for my Bernice. I didn’t know where she had gone, or where she would go, where her mind was taking her. But it was to places that were off-limits to me. Then one special time she saw me. Before that time, she would only see through me. But this time she looked directly into my eyes, and she smiled so knowingly and so lovingly.

It was then that I saw the woman that she was. I saw to the Soul of her. I saw her humanness. I saw her…and I was okay. I didn’t know that I was grieving. No-one talked about death and dying or the fact that I was “anticipating” her absence from this life.


My friends Evelyn and Sarah Lee both had cancer. Evelyn was 50ish and Sarah 60ish. It was a most difficult journey for the both of them. Evelyn was my battle-buddy, I met her in the Army. Sarah, we grew up as children together from the time we were 8.

To see someone so full of life, strength and courage, dwindle to a skeleton of a person is shattering. They both did alllll that the doctors told them to do, yet their lives faded right before my eyes. They knew they weren’t going to make it when they were placed in hospice. I talked with them both almost every day. We would laugh and joke and talk shit. Evelyn, the comedian, was in Connecticut, Sarah, the serious Aries woman, was in Mississippi and me, the knucklehead, here in California. One was ready to leave, and the other was afraid at the beginning. I spoke with them both until one day neither of them answered the phone. I tried to reach Evelyn for 3 days. She never answered. And for them both I cried openly.

You’re never truly ready for their departure – but then they become the wind beneath your wings. And you get to – if only for them – rise like the phoenix. For real.

Engaging in the Anticipatory Grief conversation you will come to understand:

Grief is natural, normal and oh so personal

The phases of grief

The emotions of grief

What anticipatory grief is

Ways to manage the experience of guilt

Ways to self-care

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These 6-week workshops are designed
to build community.

Two of the prominent emotions of grief are isolation and loneliness.


These small group facilitated workshops are a safe and supportive space where grieving people can freely express themselves without fear of judgment. A space to learn about the process, be empowered to take control of the grief journey, and make decisions that bring them
peace of mind.

These workshops help us to connect with others who have gone through similar experiences. We are building communities of like experiences, so we don’t feel alone in the wilderness.
These workshops allow you to breathe freely, build the confidence and resilience necessary to transform the grief process with meaning, with a sense of purpose and in the
shortest time possible.

In these 6-week workshops you will NOT be lectured to. No…you will experience:

Week 1

Introduction To Grief Talk

Understanding Loss, Grief, and the Grieving  Process

Identifying the Emotions of Grief

Understanding the Common Myths & Misconceptions Associated with Grief

Avoiding the Pitfalls

Shit to say and not to say to people who are grieving (cause there is some shit you just don’t say)

Week 2

Honoring the Life and Legacy

Confronting the Reality of Death

Recognizing and Appreciating the Legacy Left

Creating Rituals of Remembrance

Discovering Ways to Integrate Loss Into Life

Week 3

Holding On and Letting Go

Recognizing Potential Roadblocks

Taking Responsibility for a Renewed Life

Blending Old and New Traditions

Clarifying Priorities and Setting New Goals

Understanding the Role of Acceptance in the Healing

Week 4 - Living in Choice

Week 5 - Gratitude in the Gift of Now

Week 6 - The New Self

Come on Family!
I know I said 6-weeks, but the rest of the details are for committed family members only. Geez!

Each session will include a combination of lectures, group-discussion and interactive exercises in a safe and supportive environment where you can share your experiences and feelings throughout the program. You’ll be provided with experiential learning opportunities to facilitate a deeper understanding of the topics covered.

For only $720, this 6-week program will support your continued growth and self-healing beyond the workshop. We are focused on post traumatic growth and healthy sustainment.

You deserve to be happy.

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