Some of us can spiral into depression this time of the year, but...don't. We are seasonal creatures. Winter can bring profound changes in how we think, feel and behave. Our bodies have a natural, innate biological response to the changes that winter months bring. So no, you're not crazy...and you are certainly not alone.
This time of the year can be especially tough for those of us that are grieving the absence of a loved one. This time of the year can bring about the most acute experience of grief. Winter brings on shorter days, darker months, temperatures are changing, less sun, and frigid cold in some parts of the country. Grey skies tend to increase the mood of isolation, loneliness, sadness, helplessness. The atmosphere is dismal. Days can be dark and dreary with the reduction of natural light. And on top of all of that, the winter season includes year-end holidays which can intensify lower vibrating emotions of sadness. This too is normal. It can be harder to get motivated, get out of bed, get engaged must.
Prepare. Untie the knot

Prepare in ways that level up your energy. This year, meet life as she comes. Add brightness to your space. Add plants that add additional life to your space and give you something new to care for. Journaling (one of my favorites. I blog. I love to write), is always a good way to create and express your feelings, insights, and curiosities. Learn to paint, draw, sew, other indoor cool things to do.
This year, meet Mother Nature where she is with excitement! Get social. Schedule things to look forward to between now and when the weather warms up again. Do not yield to the winter emotions. Discover outdoor places to just get some fresh air from time to time. Start a new project. Create a sacred space (another one of my favorites) to be in when you need to talk, pray or commune with your loved ones, spiritually, energetically. Get a special candle that's just for them. Light it when you want to commune with them from time to time.
Intentionally self-regulate to optimize your mental, emotional, energetic and physical health during this seasonal change. Drink plenty of water, maintain hydration. Eat well. This time of the year metabolism slows down. Motivation to exercise slows down. Learn how to create new salads. Learn to create new and exciting cultural dishes. Discover and create healthy "yummy" meals, foods you would eat all year-round they are so darn yummy.
Whatever you decide to do, take life as she comes. Receive her gift of Winter. Do something different this year, learn to dance, ski, get social. On purpose, don't be alone this year. Intentionally commune with others. Train, teach, volunteer. Get out of the house. Be intentional about exercising to strengthen your body. Create something never brought into existence. Create beautiful, endearing mantras. This is a great time to get rid of clutter. Do an 80-20 throughout the house to include closets AND cabinets. Commit to reading 3-10 books this winter. Hell, write your own book this winter! Get excited about YOU this winter. Select a couple of different cultures that you're interested in and learn about them, telling the algorithms of the universe, the quantum world, that you plan to be doing some traveling when the time comes. Life is giving you this time to slow down, gather yourself, rest, regroup and prepare for what's next.
Hibernate if you must but make it about taking the time to love on you. Make it a time to gather your strength, courage, recognize your grace, knowledge and intestinal fortitude. Reflect on what you've accomplished this year no matter how small. I promise, you've accomplished shit that was so easy for you, you didn't even recognize it as an accomplishment...but you must. Everybody can't do what you do and it all matters. Trust me.
Prepare for forward movement. You are not a passive victim of Mother Nature nor to the conditions outside. She flows...and you flow with her. Enjoy the winter. Plan ahead to do things that bring you joy and purpose. Plan and create behaviors that lift your mood and raise your energetic vibration. Increase self-compassion. Don't blame yourself if you find yourself struggling emotionally from time to time in the winter months. You're not crazy. This shit is natural. Normal. Growing pangs if you will.
Find support when you feel the need. It's okay to reach out for help. That's a superpower. Talk it out. You don't have to be alone. Hell, I'll be here if you need me to.
Winter is coming
I am a life and grief coach. I am NOT a professional counselor, a therapist nor a mental health practitioner. I do not imply, infer, or attempt to fix, heal, or cure grief. Some conditions may require consultation and referral from/to a licensed physician or mental health professional. If you are experiencing serious suicidal thoughts that you cannot control, please call 911 or 988 for the National Suicide Prevention Hotline.