Let's Change The Way You Feel
Grief is NOT a destination. It’s a natural…normal collage of mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual experiences that happen in response to the absence, the loss of someone, or something …that matters to us deeply. It’s an experience that forces us to go to the deepest perimeters of our Soul, to the recesses of our Beingness.

From my standpoint, grief is the greatest teacher of all.
“It is in our darkness where we grow the most.
There would be no light if we didn’t have a context for darkness.”
Valerie Frazier, 2023
Believe me - when you get on the other side of grief…you can do anything!
Welcome to On the Other Side of Grief.
This is where navigators like you - when they get a little bit stuck getting through the turbulent waters along the grief journey - need that little bit of something-something to reset your sails. Just that little something like...

You know, there are just some things in this life that you have no control over, right?

You can’t make them different; you can’t make them better; you can’t make them go away. But you can…have absolute control over how you allow them to affect your life and how you allow them to make you feel. And that’s EVERYTHING!
You have far more control over how you experience this life than you can imagine. Far more. I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but it’s true. You’ve just gotta get a little help finding that YES!...
No worries, that’s where I come in. I’ll be your co-captain, your accountability partner and I’ve got just the map you need………but darn it, as life would have it, there are shallow waters, murky waters, curves and bends along the way…
Bad News and The Good News
The bad news?
The grief experience is a tough place to be.

It can be an overwhelming, confusing, and isolating experience full of conflicting emotions of anxiety, depression, guilt, abandonment, loneliness, helplessness and so many other emotions. Gone unresolved, it has been known to have adverse physical and mental effects as well. Unchecked, the grief experience will adversely affect the relationship that you have with yourself and those around you.
Now for the good news!
You don’t have to go on the journey alone.
You’re not crazy and you’re not broken.
You can take back your life, alleviate pain and suffering and create healthy, peaceful relationships where you are successful and thriving!
And guess what?

It won’t take months or years of therapy. No, you can take back control of your life, your happiness, your goodness in a matter of weeks!
Imagine being on the other side of grief in a matter of weeks!
I’m going to help you get there.

For it to work, you need to get real comfortable
 with my new favorite word:
For real though. You wake up every morning at the center of your own world, in your own head, in your own thoughts. You make choices about what you’re going to wear, what you’re going to eat, if you eat at all, how you’re going to look, even how you’re going to feel. Yep! You choose that too. And you get to own that shit!
What you get to have is someone that will show you how to “consistently” make choices that elevate how you think and feel. Yes, even in the face of grief………….
because you get to navigate in the calm waters of life, LIVE, BE HAPPY, BE AT PEACE.
Going through the grief experience can be scary, but being stuck in it is scarier.
I invite you to take command of your ship, captain. Navigate it through the murky waters, the curves and the bends. Create for yourself an empowering journey cause shit didn’t happen to you…….it happened for you.
Now is the time to take back control of your life in ways that put you back at the helm, with confidence, mastery, skill, and certainty in a matter of days, not months or years. This is your life too you know.

Are you ready to take back control? 
Then…let’s get on with it!